Monday 19 September 2011

What type of package trip

!±8± What type of package trip

This is what I consider the bare minimum for the traveler / backpacker. These are things that I used in my previous trips, and have served me well.


The first obvious thing to decide for each traveler is whether to use a backpack or a suitcase. During my first trip solo adventure in Southeast Asia, Korea and Japan, I traveled with a backpack. For less than 50 years, I bought myself a Eurohike rucksack 55 liters with a rain cover that came in handy during the monsoonsSeason! The package was top-opening, and does not really provide much security. I then bought a special case of transit bag in my backpack that I did, and secure from theft, but also to secure the airport conveyor belts. I had heard that the belt broke at airports sometimes clips of backpacks, if they are not adequately protected, and that some airlines do not want to have their backpacks on airplanes because they were a threat to security. I actually lostEvent backpack during my travels and had to wrap my bag of trash in bags and access to black tape, to prevent the clip to catch the airport transport systems. The backpack was comfortable and airy with a couple of very nice wallpaper. However, I noticed, as my journey continues, that the package was a bit 'too large. I've been on many different websites that are smaller and lighter backpack, the more enjoyable your trip will be read. This is so true. It is not just about how the window lightis for you to perform, but also for practical reasons, such as a trip on crowded trains and subways, with a huge closet in the back. The backpack was incredibly annoying when driving in busy metropolitan, as I did not know if and how bad I've had people come in - but I'm sure that was in any case! But it was nice to have both hands free when I needed to pay for the tickets and also carry bags and water bottles.


On my second trip to Japan, I decided to ditch the backpackand travels with an average suitcase. I stayed for 3 weeks and had planned to move the country much. I was worried about the status of the case, the wheels until the end of the trip, but overall I preferred the comfort of a beautiful case. The case assumes the use of weapons, but it feels to relieve back pain. I've always found that my backpack was too heavy and cumbersome for long walks, a suitcase, now makes walking a pleasure. The attempt toFind your hotel in Bangkok's humid conditions and is busy with the huge backpack, not a pleasant experience. Although, when climbing stairs is a pain, with a suitcase, but with a backpack is a breeze. This may be important for you as it is better to travel around a Japanese city (and many other Asian countries) on the subway, and sometimes have huge staircases to the platforms. The last trump card is that a suitcase makes you look with objectivity and professionalism, aBackpack makes you easily identifiable as a traveler or tourist, and makes you feel so much more. When I got in a nice hotel with my backpack, I would not have been given the same service as if I were traveling with a suitcase. I think a little backpacker 'a bad reputation in some countries, such as backpackers who leave are young people more prone to unruly behavior because of some steam after the studies are prone.


You do not want to take a suitcase or backpack withNeed your daily walks or trips, so you have a pleasant and comfortable backpack. I also got a shoulder bag, as there are more elegant than a bag looked like. But be careful, you can bag some irritation in the neck and shoulder pain, if you grab water bottles with large or souvenirs. In this case, a beautiful mini backpack is better because it transfers the weight evenly on your back and shoulders.

Travel insurance

I always take out travel insurance because you never know whatcould happen during the trip. It 's always better than cure. It could cost thousands of medical assistance abroad, if you do not have adequate insurance, so always read the insurance properly. As for insurance I always like the comparison sites search again. This way you can compare the different companies that provide insurance policies and their relative.


Skype is a free service that will call for anyone in the world (which also allowshas a Skype account) for free. The service is completely free if you are the Skype-to-Skype service, and prices are competitive, if you want the phones to call landlines and mobile devices. You can Skype on your iPod Touch, a phone to use Skype on your laptop or real. If you have a laptop in another country, you can also use your webcam to make video calls, but if you're not on a laptop, I discovered that many internet cafes in Asia have Skype installed on your computer. Skype also allows you to sendInstant messages, play games and even file transfer. All in all, Skype is a great device, you should make use while driving.

First aid kit

I like to take a mini-first aid kit when I travel. The boxes in a couple of very nice comfortable size, with everything you need for your trip to come. Items can be plaster, antiseptic cream, insect repellent tablets and various trips for common illnesses.


I'm not going to talk about everything for clothing, such asI think it's a personal decision and depends on the needs of different people. However, I must say that one always thinks with a packet of light, and if you really need a piece of clothing. Sometimes I fall into the trap of packing too many clothes "just in case 'dropped. During the trip to Asia, you can always pick up cheap clothes, so you do not need more than the package. The minimum I would take to travel for a month, is: 3-4 T-shirts, two shirts, pants, two shorts, swimmingShorts, 2 pairs of socks, sneakers / tennis shoes (I would buy a little 'that look like formal, but comfortable as tennis shoes).

Travel wash

I take a little clothesline in my travels in the event that there are sufficient places to dry my clothes. If you're packing light, you can just wash clothes more often, and sometimes you need a clothing line for the extra space.

Travel Sink Plug

I did it from time to time when I stayed in hostels. In some budget accommodation, you will not haveSink plug, shaving more difficult. The trip-plug is recommended, if you are thinking of staying in budget accommodation is. In addition, some hotels of higher quality have broken plugs in the bathrooms, making it take on average a good position.

Body Care

As a backpacker dude I have a variety of grooming products. My toiletry bag consisting of: razors, moisturizers, suntan lotion, nail clippers, tweezers, eyebrow, aftershave (which tend to buy the airport duty-free), lip balm,Deo and much more!

Rain Mac

If you are traveling somewhere that a monsoon rain mac is also a great idea. Monsoon rains is impressive, and you may just surprise you and leave you wet. A little 'rain mac is scrunched into a very small size and can be easily carried in a backpack.

Swiss Army Knife

Sometimes I take on my travels, as various useful devices: a bottle opener, scissors, toothpick, tweezers, screwdriver heads and numerousKnives of various shapes and sizes.

Travel Towels

I recommend a large towel trip. These can be in an incredibly small size, fold and take up little space in your suitcase. They also dry faster than ordinary towels.


I really do not know much about cameras, but I definitely need to know that you are on your journey. It 'a way of recording experience, which is not possible otherwise. I bought an 8 megapixel camera in Bangkok - has beenme well.


You can find this camera for your needs, so take plenty of spare parts from your country, which are generally cheaper abroad while.


A mobile phone has become an essential gadget in every part of life, and it is very important when you travel. It is an ideal device to keep in touch with other users, but it is also a safety device, if you are lost or in danger. Remember to take the charger, though, or it is useless after a fewDays.

Sim Card Backup

Just in case you lose the first SIM card can easily take another Sim, the usually free.

Backup debit / credit card

I would reserve a card if I lost my main card. If I lost my main card, you might just cancel and then the money from my main account from my backup account via Internet banking.

Pens and paper

Sometimes you need to write things like directions or contact, and paper and pencilwould be very helpful. I would always travel with a mini pen and small notebook in my backpack, so it was easy to obtain. You can always use your phone or iPod Touch for this.

Travel Adapter

Travel adapters are required if you want to charge your iPod or cell phone. Once you know where you go, you can find out what you need adapters. E 'for you to find the destination country. Some plugs are rounder and coverageeverywhere.

iPod Touch

My iPod Touch has been extremely useful during my travels. It is not only ideal for film, music and games waiting for the flight or long train journeys, it also has practical applications. By downloading applications over the Wi-Fi capability, you can transform your iPod into a hotel or hostel finder, a currency exchange facility, a travel guide and much more. I also bought a special, inexpensive, and headsetsMicrophone set for my Touch, which allows me to use Skype, where I had the Wi-Fi. In fact you can make free Wi-Fi everywhere in Southeast Asia: McDonalds, Starbucks, malls, hotels and even airports. However, I have found, surprisingly, that is Wi-Fi is not as readily available in Korea or Japan, and tends not to be free when it is offered.


I do not really own these, but it just seems to be a big iPod Touch. All the conveniences of the iPod Touch, a beautifulPocket-sized device that moves easily from anywhere, this device is lost. But maybe I'm missing something.

Travel Guides

I love to read the guides and they always take in my travels. My guides have always been favorites DK Eyewitness Travel Guides. DK I use regularly Eyewitness Travel Guides: Thailand, Japan and Rome, to name a few. I found it extremely useful, but I especially liked the focus on culture and history. The guides are beautifully illustrated,easy to navigate, and the images and captions are well presented. In addition, the historical sections are informative to read, well illustrated and a joy. I would also recommend, Rough Guides and Lonely Planet, which I used in the past.

Belt Case

At first I bought one to hide my value, but uses just to keep my bus / train tickets or cash, making it easily at hand was, and I had no bags or pockets to dig. MoneyBelt can only be seen as a normal pouch (fanny pack, if you're American), with no valuables are used and only after the display on the left rather than your clothes. I used a bag more comfortable.

I hope that my list of essential backpacking equipment has been constructive and useful. For more information on packaging and waste of light, I recommend this site: Visit my site: for more information on backpacking trip and independentand traveling in Asia.

What type of package trip

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